One of my favorite streets in the city. Had to split it into two days, as the heat took me over on day one 🙂

So many semis to walk around!! A challenge without sidewalks on a somewhat busy street.
I do not understand the lines in this building. But I love it all the same.
Whaaat. Cool 🙂
Free cars anyone?
One of the coolest businesses in the Twin Cities.
I thought this said ‘beef’ maintenance, but it’s leef 🙂
This was the moment I gave up for the day. So Hot.
Okay Washington Part 1 in the books. The sun won today.
Washington Take Two! Started earlier today to try and beat the heat.
An unfortunately place tree. (Or fortunately?!)
I could sit and watch construction for days. It’s the best entertainment. How do they do it??
This helicopter was hovering forever…
Turns out there was a rescue taking place at a construction site.
All was well! Construction worker was rescued after a few hours. Safe and sound.
I know nothing about this church but this mural has made me smile for years.
Sooo tempted to invite myself to this bbq 🙂
Please someone in the know, tell me about these shoes?!
I could have spent all day reading each of these signs inside the Washington Ave Bridge!
RIP Grumpy Cat
Hey Whole Foods!! Where’s the compost bin?! (What am I missing…)
I don’t know why but I love this image.