Things I love about walking in the dead of winter: no sunburn, no heat stroke.

Things I hate about walking in the dead of winter: ice. ice. baby.

For real. So Much Ice!! A 5 mile walk feels like 20. Uff Da. Walking like a penguin is tough work!

Other than the constant risk of falling, the other downside to walking on icy sidewalks is having to look down instead of up and around at all the beautiful sites. But man that cool air is lovely.

This building <3
Loved seeing a whole block of sidewalk without ice!!! Thanks Mpls Public Schools 🙂
This made me smile 🙂
Okay just one more of this church; the rainbow shining on the left…
Hi lil buddy 🙂
The architecture in this city is so beautiful.
Uff da Ice!!!
<3 <3 <3
Excited to see what becomes of the old Willard Elementary
This alley caught my eye tonight… made me think of Italy somehow <3