Oh my, it was SO beautiful out today!! 30 degrees felt like summer after 6 degrees last walk.

Humboldt Greenway <3
Crossing Shingle Creek. All the ducks!!
Look at them all!!
I maybe should not have chosen to walk a bunch of side streets the day after a snowstorm 🙂
Ha ha my kind of shoveling! Jusssst enough to squeeze through.
This house!!
Great selection at the Little Free Library on Knox Ave N & 51st 🙂
I’d love to learn more about all these houses on Humboldt (I think they went up just a couple years ago…?). They’re darling, but what did they replace? How did the neighbors feel? What kind of impact has it had on the neighborhood?
<3 <3 <3
All the zig-zags today!! Just trying to avoid the snow and ice patches 🙂