Today was not a good day. The kind where you sit in your car and scream, and honk at the car in front of you the second the light turns green and then drop a bunch of f-bombs as you pass that car glaring in judgement. All I wanted today was to go home and cry in a ball and then pass the f*ck out. But I managed to convince myself to go for a walk, even though everything in me was fighting against it. “Just one block, that’s all I’m asking today.” And so I started walking. At rage pace, with tears streaming (startling a few people – I’m sorry, I’m ok!) And after a block, I could breathe again. So I walked another block. And then I saw a guy in a green sweater walking his lil dog wearing a matching green sweater, and I smiled a bit. And then I saw a dad running with his young son, and a few kids laughing and dancing at the bus stop, and a blue house with a bright yellow door and So Many Doggos and suddenly an hour had passed. And I felt at peace. // Somedays I lose the battle with my brain and crying in a ball wins; but the days like today are little victories and I’m so grateful for them. // ps I’m so sorry to the cars I honked at- you didn’t deserve that ❤️🤗
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