Today was beautiful. The first day in forever that has felt somewhat ‘normal’ (not a word I’m fond of in this context; I don’t want to go back to a pre-covid, pre-racial reckoning world — I want the world to seize its moment of learning and unlearning and move forward towards a new normal. But, for lack of a better word in this tired brain, normal it is.)

It’s been a few months since I’ve been able to plan a walk around stopping at places. And today I got to do that. First, a quick detour off of 31st & Hennepin to browse at Magers & Quinn. It felt Amazing to wander a bookstore. Like euphoric good. Found a few gems to carry with me the rest of my walk, and left feeling super encouraged by how respectful everyone (workers and shoppers alike) was to each other. Masks up, distance observed, and hand sanitizer everywhere. I’d been carrying a bit of guilt about being out on a non-essential trip; but it felt safer than most essential trips, to be honest.

Next stop was Midtown Global Market. For two purchases. First and foremost: a coveted torta from Manny’s Tortas. Manny’s is one of my most favorite businesses and humans of all time, and watching the effects of Covid shutdowns and damage from our city’s Week of Unrest was Hard. Manny and Vicky were able to reopen a little over a week ago, and I have been dreaming (day and night) about a torta. A seven-miler in 105 degree heat index deserves a torta, right?! Just kidding you needn’t earn a torta; you Deserve one for simply waking up today. Either way, happy belly, happy heart. And I followed up my torta with some peaches and mangoes from Produce Exchange. Because somehow they always have the best ones.

My heart is full, and breaking, and in a million places and pieces.

Pics soon.